
Bubble graffiti letters
Bubble graffiti letters

bubble graffiti letters


Piece - A full color masterpiece done over a significant amount of time with a great deal of planning and usually more than one writer.Most favored by writers because of its large color selection and cheap price. Krylon - A brand of spray paint easily recognized by the distinctive five-spot logo.King - An experienced, dedicated, and prolific writer, also referred to as king of the line.Homemade - A type of homemade marker made out of old deodorant containers stuffed with socks or felt chalkboard erasers and filled with ink.Hip Hop - The culture in the late 1970s and early 1980s that created the graffiti culture as we know it now.Front, to - To hassle someone, to want to fight.Originally it was a hip-hop / rap term, but has now found its way into the culture at large.

bubble graffiti letters

Crew names are usually three letters, many times ending with K, which stands for kings or kills in most cases. Crew - A loosely organized group of writers who also tag the crew initials along with their name.Not as frequently used now as it was in the early days. Cloud - Stylistic form applied to pieces.In some pieces, the character takes the place of a letter in the word. Character - A cartoon figure usually taken from comic books, television, or popular culture to add humor or emphasis to a piece.The nozzle of the can that creates a thick or thin line of paint. Also known as 'to line out' or 'to cross out.' Cap, to - To cross out or deface another writer's work.Buff, to - To clean off graffiti using chemicals or by painting over.Bite, to - To copy or rip off another's style.

bubble graffiti letters

Often used for throw-up letters because of their rounded shape, which allows for quick formation.

  • Bubble Letters - Type of graffiti letters, usually considered to be an older and sometimes out-dated style.
  • Examples of payment for losing include paint, pot, a punch in the face, or the losing crew has to stop writing their name. Two forms of battle are skills or getting up, or quality versus quantity.

    Bubble graffiti letters